The Complete Advanced Feats
by Kobold Press
The Complete Advanced Feats
The Essential Resource for All Pathfinder RPG Players
The perfect companion to the Advanced Player's Guide, this collection provides 180 feats, 18 character builds, and a deep well of advice on playing the 6 new Pathfinder RPG classes: alchemist, cavalier, inquisitor, oracle, summoner, and witch.

Created by Sigfried Trent, this 80-page book includes:
- A breakdown of every class from the Advanced Player's Guide
- 30 new feats for each class, including teamwork feats, metamagic, combat feats, and general feats for all classes
- 3 character builds for each class, with advice and direction on how to maximize your character's odds

By collecting the best-selling PDF series by Sigfried Trent in one volume, the Complete Advanced Feats offers an all-in-one resource for Pathfinder RPG fans at a bargain price.
Get your copy of Complete Advanced Feats today - and expand the options for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game PCs and NPCs!

This fully-bookmarked and searchable PDF is optimized for use at your table!

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