Razor Coast

Under the heat of the salted sun, along a pirate-riddled coast bloated fat with forgotten riches and forbidden secrets, the subjugation of the native tribes awakens long banished horrors. Horrors whose deadly plans threaten not only Port Shaw -- the corrupt fingerhold of a distant and decadent civilization -- but existence, itself. A sea of blood caresses the savage shore of the Razor. Rising from the abyssal depths, Harthagoa, the bastard spawn of a She-Kraken and Demogorgon drags whole fleets beneath the waves. In the fetid Blacksink Marsh, unspeakable horrors lurk beneath the bog water, accursed cannibals pay gory obeisance to an ancient shark god of slaughter - begging its return. A ghostly armada, murderous pirates, and balesharks prowl the waves - all threaten Port Shaw, the only bastion of "civilization" on the Razor. The city hosts foreign invaders chasing baleen, ambergris, and gold. They menace the native Tulita tribes and drive them from their ancestral home with smoke-belching cannonade. Pele, The Goddess of Fire and Wrack, watches from her smoldering throne on Dreadsmoke Mountain. She stands ever ready to purge the people of Port Shaw from her domain in a torrent of ash and molten lava.
Welcome to Razor Coast...
Razor Coast is a sandbox-style, mini-campaign setting. The campaign explores the iniquitous town of Port Shaw, the catacombs and sewers beneath this city, along the Razor Coast, and both atop and below the waves of the mysterious Razor Sea.
This setting includes amazing adventuring sites, hosts of diabolical villains, foul enemies and valued allies, and countless insidious plots set around a struggling, isolated whaling port.
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