BattleTech Battles of Tukayyid: Battle Mat - Racice River Delta/Deployment Zone

by Little Shop of Magic

Little Shop of Magic


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Tags: Battletech Little Shop of Magic maps Maps/Battlemaps Shopify Collective

BattleTech Battles of Tukayyid: Battle Mat - Racice River Delta/Deployment Zone


Roll out high-quality neoprene maps on your BattleTech gaming table! 

Each map is 34" x 22", the perfect "two-map" size for most games. The maps are high-resolution with great color quality, making them some of the most beautiful and durable BattleTech maps ever produced. The neoprene is also thin for ease of storage, and double-sided for versatility.

Each neoprene map details two Tukayyid battle sites; one Invading Clan operations area on each side:

          Racice River Delta (Clan Smoke Jaguar) / (Deployment Zone 

          Holth Forest (Clan Ghost Bear) / Lake Losije (Clan Nova Cat)

          Robyn's Crossing (Clan Jade Falcon) / Devil's Bath (Clan Steel Viper)

          Pozoristu Mountains (Clan Wolf) / Kozice Valley (Clan Diamond Shark)

These new BattleTech: BattleMats are offered as a Catalyst webstore-only product at this time. If the demand is strong, we will expand the line and offer these as a retail item in the future.

The choice of battlefield is in your hands!