One Night Stand 4 - Dread Saecaroth (PFRPG)
Frog God Games
One Night Stand 4 - Dread Saecaroth (PFRPG)
Note: This is the Pathfinder version.
One night Stands: Dread Saecaroth Saecaroth! That most infamous den of wickedness and hatred... a tower stretching up in defiance toward the gods themselves... where the priests of the unholy Three committed acts of such evil that the gods themselves lay the tower low. Now hardly a stone stands upon a stone where the tower once brooded; the priests and minions of the Three were driven into the passages and tunnels beneath the surface where they were hunted like rats by those powerful enough to destroy them. Two centuries have passed, and the grass has grown over the site of the obscenity which once dominated the countryside. Those with wisdom may find the entrances to the dungeons underneath, and those with strength may wrest the treasures still rumored to lie in its most hidden depths, but beware!... legends whisper that some of the priests of the Three still dwell deep below... performing unspeakable rites to their alien gods and always seeking fresh and powerful sacrifices... Now you and your comrades have learned the location and the history of this foul and forgotten place. Will you plumb its depths and bring forward the forgotten secrets and treasures that lie deep within, or will you become yet more corpses at uneasy rest in the corners of this terrible place? An adventure for 5-8 PCs Levels 1-3 Estimated Release Date: June 2012 Estimated Price: TBD Released in separate editions for both Swords and Wizardry and Pathfinder.