Dept. 7 Technology Update: AAP/CPR Med Kit

by Skortched Urf' Studios

Skortched Urf' Studios



Tags: d20/OGL equipment Modern sci-fi

Dept. 7 Technology Update: AAP/CPR Med Kit

The Automated Aid Package (AAP) and the Casualty Preservation and Recovery Kit (CPR Kit) are two pieces of advanced, life saving medical technology. AAP's are for treating wounded and dying characters, while CPR Kits (sometimes referred to as a "Zombie Kit") are for those unfortunate or unlucky characters who have died in the service of Department 7. Included in this PDF are rules for using these devices in various D20 Modern games including near-future, Sci-fi, modern-day and Apocalypse settings. Also included are adventure hooks utilizing this advanced and cutting edge technology, as well as variant progress level AAP/CPR Kits. Buy this PDF; it just might save your (characters) life! Written by Mark Cathro and Brian Engard, Artwork by Anthony Cournoyer.