Thunderscape Nights: Trouble at the Dunswood Inn

by Kyoudai Games

Kyoudai Games



Tags: adventure Adventure (Levels 1-5) fantasy Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Thunderscape Nights: Trouble at the Dunswood Inn

Thunderscape Nights: Trouble at the Dunswood Inn

The forests of Arasteen were once beautiful and welcoming. Since the Darkfall, they are exceptionally dangerous, and only the bravest and most cunning warriors risk deviating from the well-worn roads. When you discover a golemoid warrior beset by corrupted elementals, what will you do?

Thunderscape Nights is a new series of adventures intended to be used for a single session of gaming enjoyment between friends. Set in the world of Aden, these adventures combine fantasy, industry, and horror to bring you the very best in gaming entertainment!