Feats Reforged 3: Feats of Combat
Feats Reforged 3: Feats of Combat

TPK Games is pleased to present: Feats Reforged, Volume III, The Ultimate Combat Feats!
Character growth is an important aspect of any fantasy roleplaying game, and with the advent of feats in 3rd edition D&D™, players have always had a lot of growth potential and new abilities.
One of the problems people discussed is that many feats are static and have a diminished amount of return as you advance. We decided to change that. In Feats Reforged, feats scale in ability as you do, so that their level of ability matches your own.
Many of the so-called 'worthless' feats have now been reforged, so that their abilities are on par with other feats, and each feat now scales in ability with their users.
You will find that most feats now also have an additional bonus effect at around 7th, 14th and sometimes even 20th level. This represents your increase in skill with these feats and talents.
In addition, these feats are an excellent resource if you play in a low magic setting. You can focus on allowing the players to be the heroes, relying on their own abilities, rather than focusing on the magic items they carry.
Every feat should remain viable, at every level.
Inside Feats Reforged, Volume III, you will find hundreds of reforged feats from the Ultimate Combat book by Paizo Publishing. With these new variations of the classic feats you will find much more utility and benefit, even after leveling past their initial value. Hammer these into your game and reforge your feats!