Four Horsemen Present: Yet More Horrifically Overpowered Feats
Rogue Genius Games
Four Horsemen Present: Yet More Horrifically Overpowered Feats
Four Horsemen Present: Yet More Horrifically Overpowered Feats

Overpowered is the New Black!
We didn’t want to do this. We ASKED you not to use the Overpowered Feats. We already have FOUR books worth! But did you listen?
So here it is, the FIFTH book in the Horrifically Overpowered line of feat books. You SHOULD NOT use the feats herein. Just the NAME of Cleaving Sneak Attack should convince you not to add it to a campaign. Critical Skull Rupture is just as bad as it sounds. For Pete’s sake Hybrid is like Gestalt, but for races. And DEFINITELY don’t use the new Metagaming category of Horrifically Overpowered feats! PCs are bad enough without receiving help *directly* from their players.
Don’t make us put out a SIXTH book next year!