Legendary Levels 2

by Little Red Goblin Games

Little Red Goblin Games



Tags: alchemist barbarian class options classes cleric Epic Level feats gm tools gunslinger magi magus monk Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options ranger rogue spells witch wizard

Legendary Levels 2

We've Done it Again!

The sequel to the wildly popular ""Legendary Levels"" guide to Pathfinder gameplay beyond 20th level! This book has all core classes not in the core rulebook, new legendary prestige classes, and new feats!

What Does it Mean to be a Legend?

Characters at this level have transcended simply being heroes and begin to do deeds so great that they are in line to become fixtures in the cultural mythos of the worlds they are in. They are the Hercules of their times and the Achilles of their age. They are Beowulf and Sigurd. They will have all the impact of Arthur and will influence cultural archetypes in the same fashion as Merlin! They are Miyamoto Musashi and Emperor Jimmu. They are as deep and complex as Hua Mulan and Liu Bei with all the skill of Guan Yu and Lu Bu. They are the might and greatness of the Pandavas all rolled into one. They may be possessed of King Solomon's wisdom and Samson's strength. They become every legend that has ever blessed page or lip! It is their story that will paint the complex canvas of history of the world they inhabit. These are a group of heroes who only appear once in a thousand years to rock the world to its foundation and redefine the social norm! They embody everything it means to be heroic (or wicked), to be a legend, and they have the depth and complexity of character that makes them memorable. They have passed through fire and flames to emerge stronger for the experience. They are men and women of great valor and great deeds. They are stronger than armies. They are wiser than kings and prophets.

That is what it means to be a legend.

This Book Includes:

  • Rules for playing the following classes beyond 20th level: Alchemist, Antipaladin, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Magus, Ninja, Oracle, Samurai, Summoner, Witch, Psychic (From Little Red Goblin Game's Tome of the Bizarre)
  • 2 new prestige classes
  • 30 new feats for legendary characters!
  • Original Artwork by Sayla Barnes!
  • 47 pages / Bookmarked / PDF Optimized