Substitution Classes

by Little Red Goblin Games

Little Red Goblin Games



Tags: class options classes gm tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options

Substitution Classes

Saints, and Liches, and Vampires OH MY!

"Krel?" Tala gasped as the robed figure stepped through the nimbus of holy light and rested a hand on her shoulder. She felt her wounds closing, dirt and irritants working their way free of her body as the gashes sealed up. "We thought you died holding back the goblins."

"I did," the cleric replied as he helped her to her feet, "but I have work to do yet." More divine light surged from the resurrected cleric's glowing form, bathing the broken bodies of his friends in healing luminescence. Bones fused together, and bruises faded away instantly. The creatures surrounding the party they had thought defeated took a few nervous steps back from the light. Krel's smile widened as Elshrin and Mierlek readied their weapons with renewed vigor. It was good to be back.

A New Kind of Class

A substitution class is a class that in some way replaces existing class levels. Presented in this supplement are three such classes, the saint, the lich, and the vampire. The saint is a good aligned character who was brought back to life by a deity after committing a great deed. They lose all their class levels and gain an equal number of levels of saint. The lich is a powerful spellcaster who was granted perpetual life by a powerful ritual. A lich can take as many levels of the lich substitution class as class levels they sacrifice at the time of the ritual. This gives them more undead powers at the cost of their existing abilities. Vampires sacrifice as many levels as they can (to a maximum of 10) in exchange for an equal number of vampire levels. Regardless of what level a character is when they enter a substitution class, they may continue to gain levels in a substitution class when they level up as normal. For instance, a character who traded 5 levels of cleric for 5 levels of saint could continue to level up as a saint.

This Book Includes:

  • New "Substitution Class" Rules
  • The Saint Substitution Class
  • The Lich Substitution Class
  • The Vampire Substitution Class
  • Original Art by Jon Achey