Tome of Ingenuity

by Little Red Goblin Games

Little Red Goblin Games



Tags: class options classes gm tools Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition player options

Tome of Ingenuity

Bound by the concept of meta-play, the Tome of Ingenuity introduces two new base classes to the Pathfinder Roleplaying game. These classes employ creativity, diplomacy, guile, and ingenuity to win the day rather than brute strength!

First is the Noble base class. Why draw your weapon when you can talk your opponent into submission? With excellent diplomacy checks and a slew of social skills, this is the class for you if you live for roleplaying!

Second is the Skirmisher base class. Styled after the fighters who brave the chaos of the flanks to protect the shield lines, the skirmisher lives or dies by his creativity. Using a unique new dice mechanic, the skirmisher plays like a light fighter with a lot more fluff. Due to the mechanics of this class, out of game creativity is a must!


  • 16 pages of material
  • The noble base class
  • The skirmisher base class
  • The kotodama master prestige class
  • Rules for "morale damage"
  • 11 new feats to accompany the material presented