B-Movie Title Generator

by Ennead Games

Ennead Games



Tags: Any system B-Movie Generator Pulp Title

B-Movie Title Generator

A B-movie was the second movie on a double bill. It was typically a low budget formula type film, which fell somewhere in the suspense, horror, sci-fi, western, exploitation or gangster genres, although there were other genres covered as well. Some of these films went on to become cult-classics.

This generator is a series of tables to help you create the titles or names that B-movies became famous for.

The tables you'll find inside:

D100 Tables

  • Action
  • Adj
  • Animal
  • Location

Smaller Tables

  • Age
  • Building
  • City
  • Descriptor
  • Emotion
  • Pronoun
  • Family
  • Main Villain
  • Monster
  • Number
  • Plan
  • Thing
  • Trip
  • Time
  • Title

And a d100 table of pre-made examples, such as...

  • Devil Horsemans Vs. The Giant Leviathan!
  • She was a modern day Goblin
  • The Slime that Came From Neptune!
  • The Nightmare of the Abnormal Man-Beast!  - Part 4