Empire Builder Kit - Government Type

by Ennead Games

Ennead Games



Tags: Any system Fantasy Government

Empire Builder Kit - Government Type

Empire Builder Kit - Government Type

Empire Builder Kit - Government Type

An empire has it rulers. The type of ruler can often determine the character of a nation. Are they a democratic society that follows the will of the people, or are they ruled by a harsh dictator who demand everyone caters to their every whim. They could even be ruled by a group of industrialists whose main goal is the acquisition of wealth.

This part of the Empire Builder kit outlines some of the more common, and not so common, types of ruler or government your empire or country may possess. Although designed with fantasy settings in mind, most of the entries can be used in a sci-fi or other genre of story or game.

A small disclaimer – A random generator will never be as good as your imagination. Use this to jump start your own ideas or when you need to fill in the blank.