Four Horsemen Present: Mature Character Options
Rogue Genius Games
Four Horsemen Present: Mature Character Options
Four Horsemen Present: Mature Character Options
It’s not the years. It’s the mileage!

In conjunction with and Rogue Genius Games, the Four Horsemen bring you their latest release!
Sometimes, characters who complain they’re getting too old for this stuff are the most interesting heroes! In conjunction with and Rogue Genius Games, the Four Horsemen Presents: Mature Character Options takes the middling out of middle-age.
In this volume are mature themes, from parenthood to surviving tragedy, and archetypes for characters who have developed over the years, including the drifter (gunslinger), generian (alchemist), idealist (medium), and veteran (fighter), as well as story feats for mature characters including Ecumenical, Mentor, and Wasted Years. The theme is rounded out with mature magic including two new subdomains (mortality and vigor) and a selection of new spells focused on age and experience.
Any character can be a bit older. Mature Character Options open a new realm of options for characters who are built on the fullness of their life experiences!
Be sure to check out the Four Horsemen Blog at also!