Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: bestiary fantasy monsters Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition

Monster Menagerie: Demonic Harlots

Welcome to Demonic Harlots, the eighth in our line of Monster Menagerie monster books. Each volume in this line presents a small set of monsters tied to a single theme, but spread over a range of CRs. For Demonic Harlots, that theme is succubi and all the tricks, tools, and plots of the most treacherous breed of demonkind. In addition to breeds of succubi for a wide range of desires and fetishes, we provide an insight into the mind of temptress demons as a whole, and a range of items, feats, and spells used extensively by the consorts of the Abyss.

The range of CRs for the demonic harlots is not as broad as in previous Monster Menageries, running only from 6 to 14. The reasons for this is fairly straightforward - demons as a whole already cover a huge range of CRs, and many of the iconic abilities of the succubus simply work best in the middle range of class levels. However, this does not need to mean succubi don't feature into adventures set at higher or lower CRs.

At the lower levels of a game, an agitator or thyiades makes a fine mastermind villain. Her lower-level lovers and slaves can form the majority of threats a party faces during an adventure, with the confrontation with the succubus herself serving as a climactic final battle set a few CR above the PCs' average level. At higher levels, a dark mistress or puppeteer can serve as the guard or companion of a more powerful demon, or a pack of cursed of Epithumia can form a fine high-level challenge.

So draw the shades, light some candles, and kiss your soul goodbye. A pack of demonic harlots is waiting to serve your every imaginable GM need.