Pact Magic Unbound, Vol 1 PLUS!
Radiance House
Pact Magic Unbound, Vol 1 PLUS!
Add pact magic to your game!
Immerse yourself in the intricate rituals and legends of Goetian magic. Grab thick chalk, inscribe a geometric seal around yourself, and invoke the name of a terrible spirit to aid your quest. Behold! With a final intonation you seal a bargain with the spirit and a quivering surge of power emanates from deep within. Are you ready? Embark on your journey with the spirit of a shivering demon, martyred titan, lost mortal, chastised god, or stranger being still. The vestiges of thirty-two sundered souls lie at your fingertips, yours to command if you dare.
You will discover...
- An introduction to fantasy pact-making for your campaign.
- A new base class, the occultist, as well as an occultist archetype.
- Archetypes for the 11 core classes.
- Add-ons: a new cleric domain, barbarian rage powers, rogue talents, an oathbound paladin oath, and more!
- A new type of feat to modify your pact magic, known as occult feats.
- Binder Secrets, which are special abilities that an occultist can take in place of a feat.
- Constellation aspects, which are like 0-level spirit powers that allow you to increase the binding DC of a spirit in order to gain an additional granted ability.
- Most Important! 32 starter spirits from 1st through 9th level. These spirits are favorites drawn from the original Secrets of Pact Magic and Villains of Pact Magic, with 3 brand new spirits.
This 84-page guide opens gateways to perilous and exciting adventures. This is first volume of several to launch you on adventures of dangerous occult power.
For use in your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Requires the use of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, published by Paizo Publishing LLC.

In addition to the already awesome Pact Magic rules by Radiance House, you get Pacts & Pawns: New Pact Magic Options (a $5.95 value) by Publishing at NO EXTRA CHARGE!
In addition to presenting the basic Pact Magic rules necessary to use the new content provided this product introduces three new spirits, three new archetypes, five new organizations, and one new feat designed for use with the base Pact Magic rules created by Radiance House.
New Spirits
- Arkensang, Fortune's Apostate: Born into a clan of barbarian warriors facing its last days, this maimed warrior subverted the prophecy of a goddess of death. When his soul was sent to its end he was forbidden final rest and thus lingers, eternally restless, promising the power to resist those who claim the license of divinity.
- Cort Eiding, The Golden Gunman: Eiding was a simple mercenary, who owed too much to too many to leave this earth. To pay his debt, the Golden Gunman literally sells his soul.
- Ia, The Illuminator: A staggeringly powerful creature from beyond the stars, Ia's every movement is a destructive force of nature. Alone at the cold and sterile end of the universe, he seeks a vessel on a more lively world; a world like yours.
New Archetypes
- Haunting Occultist (Occultist Archetype): All occultists can bind spirits for power, but some occultists can use them in a more personal way. A haunting occultist learns the secret of binding spirits to her foes, tormenting them and wearing them down with the sheer weight of their occult might.
- Legion Occultist (Occultist Archetype): spirits, legion occultists use the powers of effigy to create personal armies, with bound spirits at their head.
- Soul Armorer (Paladin/Antipaladin Archetype): In lands where the practice of binding spirits is well-known, paladins are frequent foes of the art; the temptation of easy power and the influence of these spirits is something to feared and warded against. But in other cases, paladins take a very different tack, forcibly compelling these spirits with divine might to lend their power in the name of their deity or cause.
Cults and Covens
This chapter adheres to the Prestige Points/Fame rules and describes new secret societies including:
- The Cthonocracy: The 'Rule of Ancients' is a staggeringly old cabal formed under the time-honored motto 'He who lives, wins.' To that end, all manner of mundane and supernatural methods were developed to ensure that one outlives his rivals to the last. This cabal has subtly manipulated events for hundreds of years according to the delicate schemes of its oldest and most patient members, so that key members of the cabal will be next in line when a power structure caves.
- The Cult of Man: Fiercely anti-deistic, the Cult of Man rejects divinity as a distinct concept, holding that the difference between a bound spirit and a patron god is merely a matter of scale. They condemn the arrogance of gods in their self-righteousness. Its members tend to be older, of a learned and scholarly bent, and concerned with personal power (or a personal grudge against the divine) above all else.
- The Lantern Collective: Known variously as the Silver Lanterns, Lumineers, Day Stars and a host of other names and aliases, it isn't entirely clear how far the organization's influence spreads. The Lantern Collective is devoted to the sacred pursuit of knowledge, and the subversion and sabotage of those who conceal that knowledge. It celebrates spirit binding for its ability to join the minds of the past with the minds of the present. Its own clandestine binding secrets, of course, are not included in this sacred calling, leading to not-occasional accusations of hypocrisy. Joining the Collective is not easy; typically it finds one before one finds it.
- Path of Ia: A frighteningly well-equipped and well-spoken doomsday cult, the Path of Ia holds the firm belief that the fundamental truth of mortal existence exists at the very center of the world, and that all one needs to discover it is to physically split the planet open. To that end, they seek the assistance of their eldritch patron Ia to force open the planet and achieve blissful nirvana in its radiant depths.
Written by Michael Massey
Editing & Layout by John Reyst