Adventurer Essentials: Gold Piece
Skortched Urf' Studios
Adventurer Essentials: Gold Piece

Adventuring can be dangerous. That's why every treasure-hunter needs the proper equipment. With the introduction of our "Adventurer Essentials" line we will examine the items that every adventurer needs to ensure he makes it back alive for the next adventure. Time-tested, and proven by countless dungeon crawls and wilderness expeditions, these are the essentials you'll need to survive the dangers ahead. The Gold Piece. A single gold coin is half a month's wage for an ordinary man. For an adventurer, a single gold coin is hardly worth stopping to pick up. After only a handful of sorties against the forces of darkness, and assuming he survives, adventurers will be carrying wealth greater than the entire treasury of some small hamlets. A traveling sell-sword may walk into a lonely roadside in with a hundred golden coins in a leather sack, and not just buy a room; if he wanted to, he could probably buy out the entire inn. Adventurers descend into the fear and the dark for glory, in search of wisdom, or at the behest of their kings, their guilds or their gods, but most of all... for gold. Stories of rich hauls reach the ears of young children and wistful apprentices, who dream of the day they will be strong enough to venture into the underworld, test themselves and emerge with the wealth of nations.
Gold is the goal. Gold is the dream. Gold is the solution to any number of problems- it buys weapons and armor, it buys lodging and food, it buys silence. Those ragged, poorly minted coins jingling in a pouch lashed to an adventurer's belt are the perfect definition of 'Adventurer Essentials'. Contained in this PDF are various mundane and magical Gold Coins, along with other related feats and equipment, as well as optional money changing rules for your game.