The Big Book of Bloodlines

by Interjection Games

Interjection Games



Tags: Archetypes Classes Fantasy Feats Pathfinder 1e Pathfinder 1st Edition Skills Spells

The Big Book of Bloodlines

The Big Book of Bloodlines

Expanded and strained to their limit, bloodlines find a new home in The Big Book of Bloodlines. New organizational systems, support for ridiculous builds, and a new class that combines bloodlines to make something entirely new await you within its pages.

Complex Bloodlines

Bloodlines are among the most character-defining class features in existence and have a say in everything from spell and feat selection to a character's very playstyle. Complex bloodlines take this one step further by swapping out bonus spells and/or bonus feats for special talents, alternate casting systems, or really weird minigame abilities. In the end, once you pile an archetype or two on top of a complex bloodline, you might not look anything like your average sorcerer (or bloodrager)!

Parent Bloodlines and Child Bloodlines

Why should subdomains and favored subschools get all the attention? The Big Book of Bloodlines adds a sorely-needed layer of organization by assigning a number of first-party published bloodlines as "parents", then assigning all other bloodlines as "children" of one or more of these parent bloodlines. For example, Lich has both Arcane and Undead as children. Why does this even need to exist? It helps multiclassing, plus the system is integral to what comes next.

The Bloodlord

Magic is everywhere, and with experimenting wizards and promiscuous dragons the world over, the average mortal has four or five different sources of magic in his blood. Thankfully, for various reasons, these sources of magic are dormant in many, but when they simultaneously awaken in a single creature, something very different from sorcerer or bloodrager ends up being created.

Absolute master of bloodline manipulation, the new bloodlord base class manages the powers of four different bloodlines, two bloodrager and two sorcerer, to the exclusion of almost everything else. His spells are exclusively bloodline bonus spells. His manipulative tricks swap about which bloodline powers he has prepared, or even gives them to others. Even his bloodrage analog exists primarily to activate various bloodrager powers that require being really angry to work. Everything, in the end, returns to the blood.

The Big Book of Bloodlines includes:

  • 129 pages of sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines, including weird bloodline concepts like addiction to caffeine or EXTREME culinary talent
  • Over 20 complex bloodlines, which turn the bloodline concept on its head
  • The Bloodlord base class, including four archetypes, the power-sharing Bloodbottler, the power-stealing Claimant, the mysteries-instead-of-bloodlines Enigmatist, and the mutant Mongrel Lord
  • A glossary of assigned children for 80 already-printed bloodlines from Dreamscarred Press, Interjection Games, Necromancers of the Northwest, and Purple Duck Games
  • Extensive bookmarks and navigational aids at the header of every page