Helpful List Arbitrary Collection 5
by Ennead Games
Ennead Games
Helpful List Arbitrary Collection 5
Helpful List Arbitrary Collection 5
Every week on the Ennead Games blog, normally on a Friday, a helpful list of 20 items is posted. These normally follow no set pattern or theme, unless there has been a request for a particular list, but many are based off real-world subjects. Some tables are expanded further into full lists or generators, and others work well just on their own.
The subjects range from names from faraway lands, to what you might call your coins, to weapon names and more. There may be a common theme for the volume, then again, there might not be. They have been brought together into a handy and eclectic collection, a mixture of Fantasy, Sci-Fi and other genres.
The lists are presented “as is”. No details, no long or boring explanations, just a collection of quick and handy tables to help or inspire you.
Arbitrary Collection 5
1 - Accessories
2 - Architecture Styles
3 - Business Type
4 - Castle Parts
5 - Fabric Type
6 - Hair Styles
7 - Lab Equipment
8 - Spy Gear
9 - Tables & Desks
10 - Vegetables