The Opened Mind
Dreamscarred Press
The Opened Mind
It was supposed to be a simple caravan ride...
Explore the mysteries of Jace’s Stanchion and the secrets hidden in it while also getting introduced to psionics and learning how the psionic classes work!
This adventure is designed for up to four 1st level characters to introduce them to the psionic system. Set in the remote town of Jace’s Stanchion, the characters will need to explore the town to learn more about the unusual events that have been occurring within its borders and the forests outside.
Included are four sample characters to create a ready-to-use, all-psionic party using the races and classes found in Ultimate Psionics.
"The Opened Mind" includes:
- The adventure set in Jace’s Stanchion
- A bestiary section detailing the new monster found outside the town’s walls
- An appendix of psionic items found in the adventure
- A gazetteer of information about Jace’s Stanchion, as well as a map of the town
- Four sample characters, including a cryptic, psion, soulknife, and vitalist
"The Opened Mind" requires the use of Ultimate Psionics and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and is intended for 1st level characters.