Supporting Roles: Tinker Class
by Amora Game
Amora Game
Supporting Roles: Tinker Class
Supporting Roles: Combat Style Feats
The Tinker is a creator and destroyer of items. From his ability as a craftsman to his ability to sunder the thickest of walls, the Tinker is an excellent addition to any party. Utility expert and support warrior are just some of the roles a Tinker can play. The ability to make the items needed for the daily adventures or being the one to dismantle a trap, a tinker provides more than just his wide range of skills to support the a group from behind the scenes.
This product includes:
- 1 Tinker Core Class
- 25+ class abilities to choose from
- 3 Feats related to the Tinker Class
- 1 Prestige Class: Breaker
Prestige Class: Breaker
Masters of smashing through armor and sundering weapons, breakers rely on strength and blunt weapons to get their point across. Experts with maces, clubs, mauls, or hammers these heavy handed individuals are the backbone resource to pushing through a siege or blockade. Breakers serve the front lines of battle crippling the armor of enemies and pushing forward through the field with might swings. Breakers traveling from place to place working for those who can pay the most coin, they become mercenaries, soldiers, hired muscle, or the precocious dungeon raider.