Iconic Opponents: The Court

by Misfit Studios

Misfit Studios



Tags: Icons Monsters/Enemies Super-Hero

Iconic Opponents: The Court

Iconic Opponents: the Court provides a trio of courtroom-themed assassins who specialize in killing "untouchable" targets, such as members of government, judiciary, and law enforcement.

  • Judge wields a magical hammer, Gavel, and leads the Court.
  • Jury is the Court's loud-mouthed one-man workforce who can create eleven duplicates of himself, each of which has the power to stretch their bodies to great lengths.
  • Executioner is the Court's mute enforcer and triggerman. He wears a battlesuit capable of slicing up targets, frying them with deadly arcs of electricity, or killing them with poison gas.

Each Iconic Opponents release presents a separate solo villain or team.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included.

ICONS and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Steve Kenson and Ad Infinitum Adventures, and are used under license