Specialty, D3 Dice

by BaronOfDice



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Tags: BaronOfDice Dice Shopify Collective

Specialty, D3 Dice

Ever try keeping track of wounds with a different die?  Wow, does it make the game that much easier to play!  Wounds, panic rolls, command points, or D3 extra hits are now a breeze with our D3s... It's time to upgrade! 

Sold by the single count or a pack of 5. These contain a combination of wicked resin colors swirled together and hand inlaid; 16mm D3 dice.  Numbers 1-3 on three sides.  Clean, Clear, Concise!

These are a Baron of Dice original.  They are in no way affiliated with Games Workshop, Mantic Games, Kings of War, or any other brand.