Enhanced Products

SRD Enhanced!
All of these products include internal hyperlinks to d20pfsrd.com intended to make your gaming more convenient! Show these guys some love for going the extra mile! If you are a publisher and would like to easily insert hyperlinks in your PDFs read on!
Publishers! Adding hyperlinks to your books is extremely easy! All you do is upload your PDF to a website, choose what SRD you want the links to point to and whether or now you want the links to be visible (meaning, if they are underlined and blue in your PDF or the appearance remains unchanged) and then a minute or two later the PDF downloads back to you with spiffy hyperlinks all inserted. Warning! Sometimes it's not absolutely the smartest in that it hyperlinks more than it should, such as the word "will" when it should have just linked "Will". You MAY want to go over your PDF after inserting the links to remove any you feel are unnecessary. Contact jreyst@gmail.com with further questions!
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