Celestial Shard Sharp Edge D20

by Easy Roller Dice Company

Easy Roller Dice Company

$9.95 $12.95

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Tags: Dice Easy Roller Dice Company Shopify Collective

Celestial Shard Sharp Edge D20

This handmade sharp-edge resin D20 dice is a one-of-a-kind beauty. When we set out to create this gem, we wanted to create something that looked like it had been genuinely designed in the heavens.

Bring Inspiration To Your Gaming Table

We wanted to create something that not only we are proud of, but you, their new owner, are proud to show off!  The golden interior flakes with the reflective core combined with our beautiful, purplish, bold signature font, and we believe we have achieved something you'll love!

Please Note: The font coloring is done by hand, so sometimes the purple shades are a bit darker or lighter than pictured. Lighting will also play a factor in how the shades look as well.