Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Tengus (PFRPG)
Jon Brazer Enterprises
Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Tengus (PFRPG)

To Kill a Mockingbird Before the Mockingbird Kills You.
Adventurers and explorers extraordinaire, tengus make exceptional player chararacters. From their unique fighting styles to their ability to read anything put before them, tengus survive the toughtest scrapes and emerge victorious. Now your can play a tengu character like never before.
Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Tengus gives you everything you need to play a tengu character. This 23-page supplement features:
- Racial Traits to play a tengu, 3 alternate racial traits and 4 new character traits to customize your character for this unique play experience
- 8 New Character Class Options including 6 new archetypes like the raven knight and the spell scavenger, a giant raven animal companion, and the spying subdomain
- 6 New Feats expanding on your avian heritage
- 6 New Raven-Themed Spells
- A New Weapon and 4 New Magic Items
- 2 New Deities, each with a unique perspective on greed and knowledge
- Details on tengu adventurers as well as suggestions on how to incorporate this race into your world.
Be Heroic with This Advanced Race Today!