5e Options: Rogue Archetypes: Shadow Warrior

by Rogue Genius Games

Rogue Genius Games



Tags: 5e 5th Edition Enhanced Fantasy

5e Options: Rogue Archetypes: Shadow Warrior

5e Options: Rogue Archetypes: Shadow Warrior

"I speak to the shadows ... and they speak back ..."

Not everyone can become a shadow warrior. More than just combatants, shadow warriors are students of styles of fighting they learn from the shadows themselves. Strange and dangerous; a killer with one foot in shadow, who prefers to fight with weapons that are as much about causing pain as they are felling enemies.

The shadow warrior is a new rogue archetype designed for use with the Fifth Edition Rules. It is a combat-oriented archetype, with an emphasis on fighting effectively with exotic weapons and drawing on the powers of shadow and darkness.