Thunderscape: The Thunder Trail
Kyoudai Games
Thunderscape: The Thunder Trail
Thunderscape: The Thunder Trail
Nothing can stop the Thunder Trains!
Many consider them the greatest creations mankind has ever wrought, while others believe they are a blight upon Aden. Regardless, even their most ardent detractors have no choice but to admit that these mechamagical monstrosities have restored trade to Aden in the wake of the Darkfal, something that no one else was able to accomplish. Villages, cities, even entire nations depend upon the Thunder Trains to survive, but in the process their coin lines the purse of the Iron Tyrant.
The second installment in the World Books of Aden series gives you everything you need to know about the Thunder Trains and the paths they follow across the continent of Aden. Included in this tome you will find:
- Further details on the Iron Guard, the stalwart warriors who defend the Thunder Trains!
- Extensive detail on the four known Thunder Trains, including their unique properties, the paths they take, and the weapons that protect them!
- Statistics for the Sentinels, the most intelligent and powerful golems in existence, all devoted to the defense of the Thunder Trains!
And much more!