Priest Base Class
Flaming Crab Games
Priest Base Class

One of the most iconic archetypes of fantasy RPGs is the robed (un)holy type. This figure uses divine power to channel power ranging from healing to necromancy to buffing to debuffing to even blasting.
However, in the tabletop world, the only divine characters ever seen are fully equipped in heavy armor and a blunt weapon for whacking. These religious zealots focus on buffing themselves to most effective bash their foes.
Flaming Crab Games presents the Priest Base Class!
At first glance, the Priest appears more like a wizard donned with holy symbols than a typical diviner in Pathfinder. It's a d6/ 1/2 BAB divine class equipped to fill in the role of a full divine caster that's most effective WITHOUT the warrior's attire.
How? The Priest gains domain-like Dogmas that grant spells from the wizard and cleric spell lists that have more cloth-caster appropriate spells than the domain list. The priest chooses 3 (sub)dogmas among a list of 100+ dogmas and subdogmas. These dogmas can be spontaneously cast in the same way a cleric spontaneously casts healing spells.
Also in this book are a number of Archetypes for the Priest including the following: Fanatic, Heretic, Hospitaler, Kahuna, Necromancer, Philosopher, Sage, Undivided Priest, Wanderer, and Zealot. In addition, we included a couple cleric/priest feats: Empower Channel, Greater Channel, and Maximize Channel.